Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below an overview of the most frequent asked questions about our detox juice cleanses. Is your question not listed, please let us know!

Juice fasting is not nothing. We can fully understand that you have a lot of questions. That is why we collected the most frequent asked questions for you.
3, 5 OR 7 DAYS FAQ
Exciting, this will be your first time! We recommend that you start with the three-day Till Dinner juice cleanse, then you are allowed at least one light, vegetarian meal per day. Can you normally survive a few hours without food? Then you can also go for the All Day right away.
In principle, the longer you do a detox juice cleanse, the deeper the results will be. After all, you give your digestive organs longer to work on recovery. You will also likely lose more weight with a five-day detox juice cleanse than with a three-day detox, from the more logical consequence that you will be in a calorie deficit for longer.
A longer detox also brings other benefits: you will notice that your body will get used to not eating and will have less trouble keeping it up. After that, it also becomes easier to learn a healthier lifestyle rhythm with fewer snacks, your body has already become used to much less eating times per day. Just keep in mind that the longer you do a detox juice cleanse, the longer you have to take the time to rebuild your nutrition. We are therefore happy to guide you with our coaching programs during your build up days.
In fact, we can give the same answer here as to the previous question. In principle, the longer you do a detox juice cleanse, the deeper the results will be. After all, you give your digestive organs longer to work on recovery. You will also likely lose more weight with a seven-day detox juice cleanse than with a five-day or three-day detox cleanse, from the more logical consequence that you will be in a calorie deficit for longer.
A longer detox cleanse also brings other benefits: you will notice that your body will get used to not eating and will have less trouble keeping it up. After that, it also becomes easier to learn a healthier lifestyle rhythm with fewer snacks, your body has already gotten used to much less eating moments per day. Just keep in mind that the longer you do a detox juice cleanse, the longer you have to take the time to rebuild your nutrition. We are therefore happy to guide you with our coaching programs during the build up days.
Most people who took the JUIZS juice cleanse lost an average of 1 / 2-1 kilos per day. We like to see our juice cleanses as a kickstart for a healthy lifestyle; You will achieve the most long-lasting result if you continue to eat healthy after your juice cleanse and maintain the awareness of what you eat in a day (sometimes we eat thoughtlessly). We can hardly indicate in advance how much you will lose weight. There are several factors that can influence whether someone loses weight or not, such as hormonal fluctuations or medication use.
Yes, that’s possible! Ayurvedic nutrition recommends planning a detox juice cleanse once every quarter, preferably along with the changing of the seasons. Does that sound like something to you? Take a look at our detox subscriptions and subscribe to a subscription of your favorite juice cleanse. You will receive a whopping 30% discount on the price!
No, preferably not. It is important to stay below a certain calorie maximum to really give your digestive organs rest, so that they can focus on recovery. If you really are facing difficult times during the cleans, and really have to cheat, take some raw vegetables. If you continue to exercise during your detox juice cleanse, you can always take an extra protein source, such as a handful of unroasted nuts or the protein from a boiled egg.
A logical consequence of doing a detox juice cleanse is that you will lose weight. We therefore advise against doing a detox juice cleanse during pregnancy.
A logical consequence of doing a detox juice cleanse is that you will lose weight. Breastfeeding women are advised that they should not lose weight too quickly, but that this should be done gradually. If you have just given birth and are still breastfeeding, we do not recommend doing a detox juice cleanse. If you have been breastfeeding for a long time and only give a bottle every now and then, you could try the three-day till dinner juice cleanse but take a close attention to how you feel during the cleanse.
Exercise during a detox juice cleanse is good, because it only contributes to the earlier elimination of waste products. From that perspective, moderate exercise is a good idea, but don’t get too crazy! After all, you are in a calorie deficit, so it would be very logical if you could push off less weight during the detox juice cleanse. If you continue to exercise during your detox juice cleanse, you can always take an extra protein source, such as a handful of unroasted nuts or the protein from a boiled egg.
We have received many positive reactions from customers with diabetes, who responded very well to doing the detox juice cleanse and who themselves got better values in the blood. Nevertheless, we advise you to always discuss this with your treating GP first.
We provide high discounts on our subscriptions: on the detox juice cleanse subscriptions a whopping 30% discount. In exchange for these high discounts, we would like to ask for some commitment from you.
In principle, you purchase the detox juice cleanse subscription for one year, you will receive the first package when you register and then you will commit yourself to doing the detox juice cleanse three more times. After receiving the juice cleanse four times, you are allowed to cancel your detox subscription at any time without obligation. An email to [email protected] is just sufficient for this.
The first time (so when you become a subscriber) you pay via the website. The next three times, the amount of your chosen package will be debited from your account.
Yes, that is not a problem!
The detox subscriptions do have a different price per juice cleanse. If you now opt for a longer (and therefore more expensive) juice cleanse, we would like to ask you to pay the difference. If you opt for a cheaper (and therefore shorter juice cleanse), we will refund the difference! In this price calculation, we naturally take into account the 30% discount that you get with the subscription on the regular price!
That is no problem either! Just let us know and we will postpone the package to the next month.
Cold pressed means that no heat is used when pressing fruit and vegetables. We press all our vegetables and fruits cold and raw. Heat is created by friction, such as rotating blades in a blender, which can rotate up to 20,000 revolutions per minute. Heating has the major disadvantage that it affects vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
Cold pressing is a way of pressing that originated in Thailand. By pressing the juice at a slow speed and separating it from the pulp, by far most of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes from the raw fruit and vegetables are retained.
HPP stands for High Pressure Processing and is the very latest technology from the United States to make sure fresh food gets a longer shelf life without compromising nutritional values or nutritional quality. The best way to extend the shelf life of fresh juice without losing flavor, vitamins, minerals and enzymes is to minimize the amount of oxygen possible. After all, oxygen spoils and ensures that valuable vitamins are lost through exposure to it.
By using water pressure, we, as it were, press the oxygen out of the juice. This means that the juice can be kept refrigerated for four weeks after the pressing date, without being pasteurized or without the addition of preservatives. We deliver the juices with a minimum durability date of at least the length of your juice cleanse. Do you want to keep the juices longer? Then put them in the freezer. They will keep for at least six months in the freezer.
All our bottles are made in the most environmentally friendly way: 75% of the bottle consists of RPET, recycled plastic and can be reused up to five times. 25% of the bottle consists of biobased plastic, this is also called plant-based plastic and consists of renewable material such as sugar cane waste. Our caps are deliberately transparent, which is the most environmentally friendly option because no chemicals are required to color the caps.
We have deliberately chosen not to use glass for our bottles. On the one hand, we cannot do otherwise, because glass cannot be combined with HPP technology. The water pressure would cause the glass to burst into thousands of pieces. On the other hand, because glass is often more harmful to the environment due to remelting than the RPET and biobased plastic which we use in our bottles.
Yes you can, you can freeze juice well. We deliver our juices, smoothies and shots fresh, so that means that there is an expiration date on the cap. At the very least, we always ensure that you can do your detox juice cleanse within the expiry date, counting from the date of receipt. If you want to take your detox juice cleanse further away or something has come in between, freeze your juices. Frozen juice will last for months.
We use the special, refrigerated courier service of Food Service Logistics Leen Menken for delivery. We deliver all our packages fresh. Therefore, upon receipt, carefully check the expiration date on the bottles. If you want to take your detox juice cleanse further away or something has come in between, freeze your juices. Frozen juice will last for months.
You will receive an email from Leen Menken the evening before your delivery. You will also receive a Track & Trace link with which you can keep an eye on your package in real time. When the delivery person is still half an hour away from you, you will receive a text message with the exact expected arrival time. If you are not home yet, the delivery person will call you and drop the package at your front door or at the neighbors.
We deliver through the fine-meshed distribution network of our logistics partner Leen Menken throughout the Netherlands and Dutch-speaking Belgium, with the exception of the Wadden Sea Region. If you live on the Wadden Islands, we can still deliver your package with a special courier boat service. In that case, take into account extra delivery costs and extra delivery time.
No, that is not necessary. When ordering, you can already select a delivery window in which you want us to come by with your JUIZS package. The night before you will receive an email from our distributor Leen Menken with a live track & trace. You can then keep a close eye on the driver after he has started his journey. Half an hour before arrival you will receive a text message from the delivery person with the exact expectation within half an hour when he expects to be at your door.
Until 12:00 on the working day prior to your initial delivery date, you can still change delivery date, delivery window or even delivery address. After that, it is no longer feasible, because then we have already passed the data on to Leen Menken. Please note that Leen Menken’s office is closed on weekends. This means that we need to know changes for delivery at Monday at noon at the latest at Friday. Just sending an email to [email protected] is sufficient to notify us of your change. Sending a Whatsapp or calling is of course also possible!